Logitec Coco Mill CM100 for coir
If you are in search of high-quality Coco Mills, the Logitec Coco Mill CM100 for coir is an excellent choice. It is an horticultural machine with an innovative design and an advanced technology. It is designed to process compressed 5kg coir blocks in a simple, effective, and fast way.
As the coir blocks are gently tumbled inside, the Logitec Coco Mill CM100 for coir will gradually add water to the blocks. In its turn, the coir absorbs the water quickly and the moisturized materials are removed directly from the machine onto a conveyor belt. This belt is equipped with a level sensor to start and stop the CM100 automatically. Using the Coco Mill CM100 there will be no loss of water, no spillage of dirt water and no loss of structure during the process. Thanks to the closed machine, dust forming is also prevented.

Brand: Logitec
Model: CM100

Outfeed belt 2900 mm long

Large rubber wheels for unpaved terrain

Semi-automatic Infeed belt

Manual infeed tray

Led lighting

With semi-automatic infeed belt

With manual infeed platform