Línea de producción completa Flora Optima de Bercomex
Bercomex Flora Optima
3rd April 2020
Schouten potatoes sorter
8th April 2020
Schouten potatoes sorter
8th April 2020
Línea de producción completa Flora Optima de Bercomex
Bercomex Flora Optima
3rd April 2020

Furora Nova flowers processor

Bercomex presents the new Furora Nova flowers processor, an innovative system for a complete and automatic process of different types of flowers. In 2010, Bercomex launched the Furora Compact onto the market, specifically for processing tulips; Now, with the Furora Nova flowers processor, the system has been successfully developed and is capable of handling cutting in almost all types of flowers.

With the Furora Nova flowers processor you will be able to classify and group various types of cut flowers fully automatically. Evaluation, selection, classification and grouping in a single line. More results with fewer people.

Advanced camera techniques to assess each flower for stem length and thickness, umbel size and color. Because all flowers are automatically graded and grouped, it is possible to harvest and handle all grades and qualities at the same time. This results in huge time and labor savings in the entire business process!



Brand: Bercomex

Model: Furora Nova


Per gripper, single flowers are transported from the singling unit until the bunching station. In this way, the vision module can measure length and quality for each flower each stem with great accuracy by applying advanced camera technology. The Furora Nova remembers the scanned value, de-leaves, cuts the flower to measure and brings it to the right bunching station. Subsequently, the bunches can be bound according to request by our CRM binder.


The Furora Nova provides you with a streamlined process. Your employees only need to place the unsorted flowers on the feed belt. The machine takes care of the rest. The scan per flower ensures a constant quality of flowers. As a result, you are no longer dependent on the vision of your employees. This allows you to work faster, more accurately, that is, more efficiently.

Ventajas Únicas

  • Uniform bunching by the vision module
  • Simultaneous multiple sorting
  • Faster process through a fully automatized system
  • From harvesting to automatic filling: the entire process is coordinated
  • Patented stepflow and vertical flower transport
  • Advanced camera techniques
  • Bercomex software to easily enter all qualification criteria
  • Version completely to your specific wishes
  • Modular system that you can always adapt to changes in your business
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